Restore It ALL!

The fight for what's right.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Decree and Declaration for Divine Intervention

Now come Bonnie Smith, Debbie Salyer, Ford & Bonita Halcomb and Deborah Howard specifically on behalf of prisoners Mike Smith, Shaun Smith, Chris Smith and Josh Harris, Target Oil and on behalf of the legal issues facing Vernon & Juanita Smith. In that we know that You give unto us superabundantly more than we ask or think, we ask that all family members, friends, and prayer concerns by any petitioner be included in this written decree and declaration as well.

In that the aforementioned petitioners have found the book wherein is written specific and timely instructions to follow to enlist the immediate divine intervention of the God of Jacob, we do hereby humbly submit to this Word of instruction found in Psalms 81.

Petitioners further ascertain that those instructions include the following acts of obedience on petitioner’s part:
1.    Sing aloud unto God our Strength
a.     Petitioners acknowledge that singing aloud includes singing for joy, giving a ring cry, crying aloud in summons for help and an exhortation of wisdom
b.     We further agree and attest that this song of joy is to be directed to God, Our Strength, who is Ruler, Judge and otherwise referenced by the name Elohiym.
c.      We agree and attest that His strength includes might, boldness and power and that He is the Judge of All the Earth and His judicial decisions are upheld by every court in heaven and in earth and that no other entity or legal jurisdiction can circumvent His decisions and Righteous Rule.
2.    Make a joyful noise unto the God of Jacob
a.     Petitioners further agree and attest that not all of our communications with the Judge of the Whole Earth has been joyful. In that we are convicted of said doubt, fear, unbelief, murmuring and complaining in said cause, we do turn unto the Lord of glory acknowledging our sins and request the forgiveness promised to those who call upon the name of the Lord, knowing that the Lord’s promises are yea and Amen, we therefore give thanks for this merciful pardon.  
                                                        i.     In that petitioners do hereby acknowledge that failure to serve the Lord Our God with joyfulness and with gladness of heart, for the abundance of all things has caused us to serve our enemies, hunger, nakedness and the want of all things and in that it has caused a yoke of iron upon our necks and subjected us to the Destroyer, we therefore acknowledge that in our turning away from said insurrection and subsequent turning to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the yoke is broken and we are free to worship You in sincerity and Truth. In that this turning does hitherto cause our hearts to swell with gratitude and thanksgiving we do therefore acknowledge that our joyful noise is an acceptable sacrifice of obedience and insures us of the requests for Divine Intervention.
b.     In that we have perished because of lack of knowledge, we do therefore today embrace the knowledge and instructions of Psalms 81 and turn unto the Lord Most High with shouts of joy.
3.    Take a  Psalm
a.     In accordance with this instruction ordered by King David through the Chief Overseer, Asaph, we therefore take with us the words of this Psalms and turn to the Lord, and say unto Him, Take away all iniquity, and receive us graciously. So will we render the calves of our lips according to Hosea 14:2
b.     In that we also acknowledge that our song and thanksgiving please the Lord more than an ox or bullock (Ps 69:13) we therefore are confident that our sacrifice is well pleasing unto the Lord and acceptable in His sight
4.     Blow the trumpet in the new moon.            
a.     In that the full (new) moon is today Augus 13th, 2011, we the petitioners do further acknowledge that we are perfectly aligned with these words of instruction in obedience and timing requirement ordered of the Lord.
                                                        i.     We further agree and attest that You appointed the moon for seasons. (Ps 104:19) and Psalms 81 assures us adherence to the aforementioned instructions promises us the certainty of divine intervention when followed according to Your divine order.
                                                       ii.     In that we also know that we do not know what  to pray for, we enlist the services of the Holy Spirit who will pray in accordance to Your will.
                                                     iii.     Petitioners also recognize and honor the Lord Jesus Christ who is on the right hand of the Father forever making intercession on our behalf. In that we have duly submitted to both the Lordship of Jesus Christ and yielded ourselves unto the Holy Spirit, we therefore assert and attest that a triple braided chord is established and cannot be broken. We do further attest that where two or three are gathered in Your Name that you are there in our midst. In that where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty, and in the Presence of the Lord there is joy forever more, we further attest that we are well equipped to fulfill, according to divine mandate, the instructions herein noted.

In that Petitioners have also come to the knowledge that the instructions outlined in Psalms 81 were established as a specific decree prescribed by the God of Jacob and is instrumental in the execution of judgment and time of said judgment, Petitioners are firmly convinced there shall be a Decision of Righteous Judgment released from the Throne of God.

We the Petitioners, do further ascertain that the Righteous Judge has done Mighty Works for other Petitioners who have followed these instructions and cite the testimony of Joseph, referenced in Psalms 81:5. In that his call (uttering of a loud sound, summons, call for help) resulted in deliverance and that You answered in the secret place of thunder, Petitioners therefore request Our God to intervene accordingly, including but not limited to:

1.     An answer in the secret place of thunder
2.     Thundering from heaven
3.     The Most High uttering His voice (( Sam 22:14)
4.     Sending forth hail stones and coals of fire (Ps 18:13)
5.     The opening of the Temple of God in heaven, the seeing of the temple and ark of his testament, lightnings, voices, thunderings, earthquake and great hail (Rev 11:9)
6.     The adversaries of the Lord broken to pieces, thunder from heaven, giving of strength unto His King, exalting the horn of His anointed and the Lord shall judge the ends of the earth (I Sam 2:10)
7.     Thundering upon our enemies, discomfit them and smite them before our eyes. (I Sam 7:10)

In that petitioners have acknowledge that we have, prior to this day, been proved at the waters of Meribah and failed Your test, we do acknowledge again the aforementioned negligence and plead for Your merciful pardon in that we were ignorant of You ways and directives at that time.

We further acknowledge that the Selah, is an opportunity in which we tune our hearts to the Words of the Law cited hitherto through this Psalm and willingly tune our hearts to Your ways.

Petitioners do also request a thorough search of our hearts by the Holy Spirit to see if there be any wicked way in us. It is our earnest desire to have no strange god in us. In that our hearts are deceitfully wicked we therefore grant the Holy Spirit to come with conviction to uncover any area of wickedness in us.

We, the Peititiones, do further acknowledge that You, the Lord Our God has brought us out of darkness and into Your Glorious Light. We therefore willingly submit by opening our mouths wide that You might fill them.

In that we willingly submit to these instructions, we are firmly convinced that You will not give us up to our own lusts nor force us to walk in our own counsels. We choose and do decree and declare that we shall walk in Your ways. Our obedience to fulfill these instructions today, August 13th, 2011, on this a New Moon celebration according to Your statutes does therefore render us recipients of Your Divine Intervention, to include but not limited to:

1.     A quick, speedy subduing of our enemies
2.     A quick, speedy turning of Your hand against our adversaries
3.     The haters of the Lord will submit unto You
4.     We will be fed with the finest of wheat
5.     We will be satisfied with honey out of the rock

In that the aforementioned results are promised according to Psalms 81, we stand to decree and declare,

Whoso offereth the sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifieth me; And to him that ordereth his way aright Will I show the salvation of God. (Ps 50:23 AV)

Those people honor me who bring me offerings to show thanks. And I, God, will save those who do that.” (Ps 50:23 NCV)

Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest the savour of his knowledge by us in every place. 2 Cor 2:14

We do also affirm and attest that according to Esther 8:8 that this decree, sealed with the Kings seal (i.e. witness of the Holy Spirit) is irrevocable.

Now write another decree in the king’s name in behalf of the Jews as seems best to you, and seal it with the king’s signet ring—for no document written in the king’s name and sealed with his ring can be revoked.” Esther 8:8 NIV

WE decree and declare, in accordance with Psalms 81 that You will SOON subdue our enemies, both known and unknown. And that this answer is not limited to those named or mentioned in the administration of this decree but is to include all members of family, church, and business relationships by which any and all petitioners are connected.

Be pleased, God of Jacob, Most High God,  the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, to receive our songs of joy, war cries and summons to help as we offer unto You the sacrifice You require, Thanksgiving. We look forward to seeing Your Salvation, Deliverance and Mighty Works as promised in Your Word.

We the undersigned do hereby attest our agreement by signing this decree and declaration,

DATED THIS FULL MOON ON THE_______________DAY OF ________________________, 2011

Participants and Petitioners Present

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Let it also be known this day, that the aforementioned decree and declaration is to be published, copied, emailed, blogged, printed and distributed at the discretion of the attendees unto all people and entitles for whom they desire Divine Intervention. We therefore, requests that posts riding on mules, camels, automobiles, planes and/or ships, motorcycles, bicycles, trains and to include any form of transportation be hastened and pressed on by the King’s commandment to every state, county, township, burrough and country to empower faith and confidence in the Lord’s faithful intervention in our affairs as a nation, a people, family and/or individual.

Let it also be known and noted this day that the participants and petitioners of this decree do desire that the Name of the Lord be Glorified.